
II : LXXVII - LXXXIII Bullies (Or...In Constant Supression)

There's always "the girl who gets picked on all the time", and "the boy who everybody makes fun of" in every single classroom. Growing up, well, I was never the one who get bullied, but I've often felt sympathetic towards them, and eventually became one of the only people who befriends them. I would get assigned by teachers to sit with them, to be in the same activity groups, or partner up with them for gym classes. Now, something I need to make clear is that, I got into that position only because I didn't think there's any other way, plus, what would it hurt in the long run if you can spare someone the embarrassment of being the one left alone?


Of course, the situation Greece had been in for centuries, is much graver than some school children's taking sides and gamesome prejudice. The Muslims, the Catholics, the Christians, The French... soldiers carrying different colours smashed the city gates and brought down everything beautiful to ruins. Indeed the Greek had an amazing past of glory, you know when they where once so powerful and mastered the art of war, following Achilles' league and with Gods' support, amazing stuff. Those all passed like a whiff of smoke. I wonder who, or what can explain what happened that started the never-ending shame Greece were to be in. After the gruesome Trojan horse? It must have been. An act that would anger the gods and humans alike. 

It's an intricate situation when someone's under constant suppression, for it usually leads to two results: to explode or to perish. In the case of an individual, there's a third option of channeling the energy into something else, for example, artistic expression or sports, but in the case of a nation, it's a far more shameful circumstance. Leagues after leagues of people took siege of the state for their different perspectives on how the world should be and the names and shapes of their gods, yet destroyed something their common ancestors built in the process. The locals? Like a log on the water, isn't doing much to change its fate. Greece, she's in a passive aggressive state, a melancholic mood because she has been beaten down too many time to keep the optimism.

Most of the times I feel an overwhelming sympathy towards the suppressed ones. Although never the most popular kid in the block, I was fortunately never bullied at school. I consider myself even more fortunate to have never been the bully, for that's something people usually regret when they eventually understand the gravity of things you might have done as a child.


Oft I contemplate what would the constantly oppressed mind would be like. What would it be like to give up your own strength and dignity, and take whatever may come? Some of the greatest philosophers faced with unimaginable obstacles and ridicules from the oppressors, yet held on to a thread of their beliefs. It helps when you have a faith in something other than the physical world you suffer in. But Greece had none of that as she stumbles through the lineage in history, turning and flipping in the turbulence of different oppressors coming from all directions, knocking down her walls and pounding on her gate.

There are many a merry songs about love from that sweet land of honey and wine. Olive tree grows in Athena's favourite city, its branches symbolize peace and wisdom, not war and sorrow. The poet and the traveller still sings about love. It always comes back to love, doesn't it? Love seems to be the last thing to gravitate the constantly oppressed, the last element of hope, like the green light that turns James Gatz to Jay Gatzby. There's another constantly suppressed soul! Sometimes you couldn't see it underneath the glamorous armors they put on. 

Here's the thing about people who put on a grandiose mask and pretend to have an enlarged sense of self worth. This might sound ultimately cynical, but I meant it with all admiration, that, they are usually motivated by the constant suppression they've experienced in the past. Take Gatsby: the boy who grew up dirt poor with no means of getting out of his situation,  eventually built an empire out of his pursuit of love and social status. His everlasting shame of his upbringing and lack of root in the high society had been his downfall, but also what made him an admirable and respected character in the literary sense as well as, if you have someone like that in the real world, they are bound to succeed. (Just to digress a little, people in real life care less about "the one" woman they loved 5 years ago, and will probably put more effort in their career.)

So what if you don't do anything? What if there's someone, all beaten up, muddied and blood stained, yet they simply stand up, being so accustomed to receiving treatments, not surprised nor angry, simply get on with their lives and quietly wait for the next blow to pass? Do you still feel sympathetic towards them, or does that seem, well, infuriating? Do you feel obligated to be the helper, the guardian angel, or would you want to shake them awake and yell at them: "FIGHT BACK!" Wouldn't you want to tell them to pick up their own bat and make a stand? The childe must had tears in his eyes when he see the ruins in his beloved country, a place the ancient muses once hanged out, a place that bred generations after generations of great thinkers and artists, yet limping, not being able to protect herself, taking all the shots and not even making an effort to resist.


It's not a tragedy getting hurt, being bullied, or becoming suppressed from all sides. It's not that much of a tragedy either to die in combat, protecting one's own dignity. It becomes a real tragedy when one becomes, not the constantly suppressed, but the pitied one, dejected and spineless. You're truly helpless when you stop helping yourself. You lose all allies when you stop even trying to get up on your own.

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