
A Fairly Tedious Wiki Update

I never doubted the credibility of Wikipedia. Why would I? Isn't it the most inclusive source of knowledge in the entirety of internet universe? Everyone is a student AND an educator simultaneously: we are all equal in Wiki-World. So most of the time I would just take whatever comes.

Of course, we also know that you can't get too serious about what you learn from Wikipedia: it's not a scholarly resource if you're really only something that calls for total accuracy and academic integrity.
As I was examining the Wiki page for Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, I discovered that it contains error, along with the problem of inadequacy.

Once you're determined to edit a Wiki page, the rest is insufferably easy; the only monitor you have to answer to is your own conscience. 

It says here that Ianthe, Charlotte Harley was already 13. As a matter of fact, Charlotte was born in 1801, making her barely 11 when the poem was first published in 1812. See the following changes plus some extra information I added as a partial description of the content.

In the Cultural References section, Asterix in Belgium was mentioned and linked but there isn't any detail. Also, I'm not sure why Schadenfreude was included in the See Also section. While being an interesting word with entertaining meaning and pronunciation, The German word had no apparent connection to Childe Harold or Byron, so I decided to get rid of it.

I added a link to the webpage where you can read the entire chapter of Asterix in Belgium as well as the actual location of the quotes. I replaced the See Also slot with Byron's Don Juan, as it is a related topic.

Now, let's take a look at those three quotes in Asterix in Belgium (page 40, 44 & 45), just for the sake of it.


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